Thursday, November 15, 2012

Confessions of a Prezwartian (An exercise in hallucinatory realism)

Dear Reader: Greetings!

Established in 1718, PREZWARTS, also known at times as the Oxford or Harvard of the East is the most famous college/university in Ajooba. Presided by MARVOLO SORCERESS and her trusted DE-MENTORS, the institution has recently entered a new age of upgradation with the recruitment of a BAND OF BUGGERS who are actually their devoted disciples.

As a first year student of Prezwarts, as you can probably imagine, my excitement and enthusiasm was enormous.

However, the reality has proved to be a little bit different.

For example, we were told in the class that the masculine form of ‘Duchess’ was ‘Dutch’ (Readers from Netherlands, please do not take offence)!

We even learnt that ‘Professor’ is spelt with a double ‘f’ (WTF?)!

One of them even told us that if we do not write his interpretation we wouldn't get marks.

In another department, a teacher even made a pass at one of my friends and downloaded porn from one of his student’s mobiles.

Is this how things happen in Oxford or Harvard?

A naïve first year grad student that I am, I really have no clue.

Friends, Peers, Seniors…wherever you are, shed me some light. We are running dark…

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